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We are Government Supply Head Financial Grade S7 and the Gold Standard in our industry. We realize the use of Technology is not enough, we have

to be transformative. Our R&D team constantly bring the best technology to clients. We are the first to conduct remote council meeting in an hour, the first to implement electronic polling in AGM, the first to implement

pre-employment checks to deter employment fraud, the first to charge

our clients based on outcome; results of service rather than service

among others, true to the spirit Mighty Abacus (MA). We have no competition, only competitors. Our leaders are the leaders in our industry.

Our Accreditation

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Our Testimonials

On behalf of the MCST 2805 Council Members, I would like to thank you and your team for the efforts in handling the legal issues. It was an eventful year, with the start of the proceedings at the Strata Title Board until the final dissolution at the State Courts. Abacus had handled the matter cautiously and presented to both authorities the fact of the case in an orderly manner.  

Once again, we would like to thank you for the support!

Patrick Lee

Chairman, 15th Management Council MCST 2805


Property Management with people in mind.


ISO9001 : 2015 accredited industry leader with portfolio value of more than S$10 billion, in excess of 70,000 units and 10,000,000 sf of residential, industrial, commercial, hostel and government properties including Sports SG and SMU.


Why are we different



Why are we different


Our First Response team comprises of Managers that can be deployed on-site anywhere and anytime, allows us to have an edge over our competition.


Our panel of lawyers are specialized in construction law, BMSMA and acted for estate related cases. We are in a better position to advice clients especially on claims matters.


As a People Developer, our focus in staff training ensures quality assurance sustainability to both tenants and clients. Our structured career progression ensures our staff retention to be the highest in the industry


We are driven by productivity excellence and combine proven experience with efficiency, constantly striving for Go-Green approach to minimize maintenance and operating costs for our client.


Each client is assigned HQ project team; M & E team to cater to emergency situations, a meticulous Accounts team for estate accounting, a Portfolio Manager in charge of special projects eg. energy, audit, pre-legal advice and a Director to oversee operations and preparation of AGM.


Our approved panel of vendors program are tapped from more than 2000 companies in our network. We manage vendors more efficiently and cost effective by using a vendor management system to call for tender.


We guarantee client satisfaction with our fees. We are client selective and limit to on boarding 5 new clients a year.


Having gone through security and other diligence check by our government clients serves to validate our company’s service quality and competency in the industry.


Our technology enhances the community living experience that no other competitors have.


We are well known among our clients for our strong HQ support to both our clients and our site team. Abacus is the Gold Standard of our industry.


Partner with us


By using a cloud-based vendor management system to call for tender and manager existing contracts, we have access to island wide clients with a click of a button to Invitation to Quote (ITQ) for the various services required by your clients.

S$10 billion




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